Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Spaghetti: Oh no !

The other day I decided to cook spaghetti. It is easy to cook, easy to clean ( so I thought ), and easy to put up the leftovers for later. I make homemade spaghetti because my boyfriend doesn't like marinara sauce that comes in the jar, and I think the extra 5 minutes it takes to make it homemade is worth it. So, I get through making it, make my son a plate, cut it up into little pieces, and stick it in the freezer to cool down, make my boyfriend a plate, make mine,  and take my sons out of the freezer. I was so tired because my boyfriend and I went to the water park that day. We were so sunburned and tired all I wanted to do was put Aloe Vera lotion on and go to bed. So, without thinking about it, I put the bowl of chopped up spaghetti and a rubber spoon on my sons high chair, and sat down to eat. I look over my shoulder after about a minute, and the whole bowl is tipped over, with orange sauce splattered all over the highchair, and his whole face and body covered in noodles. All I could do was laugh at myself because it was my fault for putting it on his high chair and giving him a utensil. My son is just now starting to use a fork. He loves to use his spoon to throw food everywhere, and thinks its funny when people have to bend down to clean up his messes. I finally got up from the table without even finishing my dinner to clean him up. I tried taking a washrag to clean his face and hands, but by the time I got to his stomach, I learned that he was sticking noodles inside his diaper. So i had to get him out of his highchair, run the bath water, and stick him in the tub to clean him off. He loves baths so he sat in the bathtub and played for quite a while, while I cleaned the spaghetti stains off of his skin. By the time I got him out of the water, and into bed, I was exhausted. I went into the kitchen to clean up the mess and I saw the biggest mess I have ever seen. I cleaned it up, and decided to do a walk through of my house before I passed out. Good thing I did, because there were noodle tracks everywhere.

Lesson #1: If your toddler is not the best utensil user yet, DO NOT feed him/her spaghetti by themselves.

This is just an LOL moment I had to share.

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