Thursday, August 16, 2012

Filing Child Support ( Before the Appointment )

Okay, this is pretty much a vent, and an opinionated kind of post. So if you dont like it, or it offends you, I'm sorry. But, I want to ask everyones opinion on this sort of subject.

My ex boyfriend and I were together for 3 years. In 2010, I had to have back surgery, which put me out of work for a while, and then I got pregnant right after. He is the type of guy who wants a stay at home wife and mother who takes care of everything so he doesnt have to do anything when he comes home from work. I put up with everything for 2 years. I cleaned, cooked, took care of our son, did laundry, waited on him hand and foot, and so on. He cheated on me three times that I know of while I was at home with our baby. He also has a HUGE drinking problem and tends to be very abusive and not remember the next day. I finally decided to leave him and move back home 5 hours away so my family could help me while I got back on my feet. He told me when I moved back that he would help me by sending me money every week to help support our son. Since, he has sent a total of $60 in the last 5 months, and didnt even bother to call on our sons birthday this past month. He is trying to get back at me for leaving him by not doing anything for his son. I, honestly, don't even care about money, as long as he made the effort to see his baby. But, he doesn't do that either. He says he cant come up here to see him because his vehicle is broke down. The vehicle he has is mine, that I paid for, and the only reason I didn't bring it was so that he would have a vehicle to come up here and visit our baby without any excuses. Since I have left, he has almost totalled this vehicle that I tried to keep maintained.

I finally decided to put him on child support when he told me he didn't want anything to do with his son, but he also didn't want to give up his rights "just in case" he decided he wanted to have something to do with him later, pretty much putting my son on the back burner. I have an appointment with him and the attorney general tomorrow, and I'm not sure what to expect. I was with him when he got child support put on him with his other son, but I wasn't actually in the room when everything was happening. So I am CLUELESS on what to even expect. He says that he cant afford to send me any money because he only makes $600 weekly and he has a lifestyle to maintain. I make under $250 weekly, which I can afford to pay for day care, insurance, diapers, food, milk, wipes, clothes, etc. So, if I can afford it, why cant he?

These are my questions, and I am asking my viewers opinions on this. Am I wrong for putting him on child support? Should I make him pay for medical insurance and day care costs? Will we have joint custody if he is put on child support? Will I have to worry that I wont get my son back when he gets him if he decides to?

I will be viewing the comments hourly. I just want every ones feedback, and maybe some mommy's opinions if they have ever gone through this.

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